By Published On: January 22, 2021Categories: Captivated

When something or someone has captivated you, there’s a tangible, almost irresistible draw—like gravity drawing an object toward earth.  Though we may not always recognize it, we are moved by that which captivates us.  Sadly, few of those things which captivate the world today bring lasting joy, peace and purpose.  In the end, there is little satisfaction.  Even in the Church, so many people believe relationship with Jesus is all about being commanded by God rather than captivated by Him.  Many live in a world of ought to and should have, duty and obligation, rather than being driven by a sincere love and devotion, awe and wonder.  When you are captivated by Jesus, though, obedience to His command becomes a pleasure rather than an obligation.  

The heavenly hosts which surround the throne of God in constant awe and wonder, adoration and praise, know what it means to be captivated in the best sense of the word (see Rev. 4-5).  Those twelve disciples who gave up everything to follow Jesus also knew what it meant to be captivated—hanging on every life-giving word that flowed from his mouth, words saturated with truth and love, and treasuring each moment in the presence of one who continuously radiated peace and joy.  

My heart’s desire is to know what it means to be captivated by Jesus and invite others into that life-transforming experience so that words like awesome, amazing, passionate, powerful, glorious, beautiful, majestic, magnificent, winsome and wonderful become the most natural expression of our relationship with this incredible God of ours.  If I were to try and capture this idea in an image, it’s like the face of a child who’s transfixed on something or someone truly awe-inspiring. 

The Apostle Paul also knew something about what I am attempting to describe here when he said: And we all with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit (2 Cor. 3.18).  A captivated life is a life of beholding one glory after another in the presence of One whose glory knows no bounds.  As our hearts and minds and eyes grower wider and wider during this lifelong process, we become more and more like Him.    

Lord, let us know and experience what it means to be truly captivated by You!  

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