Inspiring and equipping people to pursue God’s best for their lives in partnership with the Holy Spirit.

Encouraging people to see themselves and God more accurately through the truth of God’s Word.

Creating opportunities for greater communion with Jesus and authentic connection with others in the Body of Christ.


Any healthy relationship depends on good communication, and it’s no different in our relationship with God.  That’s one of the extraordinary things about our God: He speaks!  He’s not a distant and disinterested deity, but rather a loving Father who longs to communicate with each of us in personal and life-giving ways.  The challenge is often in our ability to recognize His Voice among many other competing voices.

For this reason, a central focus of our ministry is helping people develop their capacity to recognize and respond to the most winsome, wonderful, and compelling Voice in heaven and on earth.   One of our primary teachings (Knowing God’s Voice) provides a simple and biblical framework for people to grow in this vital area of relationship with their Creator.


Part of our mission is to fan the flame of God inside his sons and daughters (2 Tim 1:6) so that they burn with love for Him and reach their full potential in Christ. God’s love for us is a pure and passionate fire that should inspire similar love and devotion toward Him. His fire also represents the presence and power of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives (Acts 2:3-4, 1 Thes 5:19, Mt 3:11).

These two realities are intimately connected. As you grow in your receptivity to and partnership with the Holy Spirit, you see your hunger and love for Jesus growing. Our teachings on the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, and the fruit of the Spirit are all designed to ignite a greater passion for Jesus and lead to more fruitful lives for God’s glory.


God’s vision for our lives is so much greater than most of us can imagine or believe. We want to help people see through God’s eyes who they truly are and how they were uniquely designed to express God’s glorious nature in the world. Our prayer ministries help to inspire and encourage people with God’s vision for their lives.

We also provide strategic vision for churches by drawing upon God’s wisdom and prophetic revelation. God is the best strategic planner, and He sees the unique expression of Jesus that each gathering of His children is designed to reflect in their fellowship with one another and their witness to the world. And so, we aspire to help churches and ministry leaders discover God’s unique strategies, solutions, and vision for their community.


These three areas of focus best summarize our approach to training and equipping the saints to do the work of ministry (Eph 4.12). Depending on the needs of the local church or ministry, Captivated International is available to serve more specifically in a variety of ways, including preaching, teaching, prayer ministry, healing ministry, emotional healing, etc.

We rely upon the local church or ministry partners to discern the best context for ministry and training, whether through a conference, weekend meetings or services, staff-only meetings or small gatherings. Please contact Clay at [email protected] for information about hosting Captivated.

Tower of Prayer is an international prayer initiative engaging the global family of Christ in establishing God’s Kingdom purposes on earth.