What We Love Doing

Inspiring and equipping people to pursue God’s best for their lives in partnership with the Holy Spirit.

Creating opportunities for greater communion with Jesus and authentic connection with others in the Body of Christ.

Encouraging people to see themselves and God more accurately through the truth of God’s Word.

Three Foundations

Any healthy relationship depends on good communication, and it’s no different in our relationship with God.  Jesus’ own relationship with the Father relied on knowing his Father’s voice (John 12.49-50).  Much of our training focuses on developing this vital capacity to recognize and respond to what God is saying to us each and everyday.

God’s presence and the power of the Holy Spirit are often represented in Scripture by fire (Acts 2:3-4, 1 Thes 5:19, Mt 3:11).  We want to fan the flame of God’s presence inside the hearts of his people so they live in the fullness of all that’s available through our friend, our partner, our counselor and comforter: the Holy Spirit.

God’s vision for our lives is so much greater than most of us can imagine or believe. Our ministry seeks to help people see through God’s eyes who they truly are and how they were uniquely designed to express God’s glorious nature in the world. Our prayer ministries help to inspire and encourage people with God’s vision for their lives.

Practical Training for Living a Supernatural Life

We aspire to apply the Truth of God in practical ways that nurture spiritual growth and increase our fruitfulness as disciples of Jesus.


Our God speaks!  He’s not a distant and disinterested deity, but rather a loving Father who longs to communicate with each of us in personal and life-giving ways.  This teaching creates a biblical framework for recognizing and responding to God’s voice.  For more about details about this teaching, click here: Knowing God’s Voice.


Imagine giving a gift that is never opened.  Our Father wants us to open the gifts of the Spirit and put them to use for the benefit of others He loves.  In this teaching, we cover what the gifts are, what their purpose is, the need for both the gifts and the fruit of the Spirit and how to develop these gifts.


Paul encouraged his disciples to eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy (1 Cor. 14.1).  That’s something to pay attention to.  In this teaching, we cover what Scripture reveals about this gift, who can prophesy, the power and purpose of this gift and how to grow and practice it.


God is still making our bodies whole again, just as he did through his son Jesus.  This teaching provides a biblically based approach to healing ministry- something every disciple of Jesus has the capacity to practice.  We do not shy away from the hard questions surrounding healing or the unavoidable expectation Jesus had for his disciples to heal in his name.


“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life” (Proverbs 4.23). In this broken world, our hearts pick up all kinds of garbage that needs to be taken out and wounds that need healing.  This training provides a biblical basis for how to receive healing in our own hearts and facilitate the same for others.

This is a sample of our training and teaching curriculum, but we offer more on a variety of other topics. 

Our Commitment to Prayer

We are committed to pursuing God’s heart and hand through incorporating prayer in all that we do.  In 2020 God also inspired us to begin an international prayer initiative called the  Tower of Prayer.  This semi-annual event engages the global family of Christ in establishing God’s Kingdom on earth through prayer.  For more on the Tower of Prayer, simply click on the logo.